FAGIOLO, Giorgio
FAGIOLO, Giorgio
DIPARTIMENTO DI STUDI SULL' IMPRESA (attivo dal 01/01/2006 al 30/09/2009)
Animal Spirits, Lumpy Investment, and Endogenous Business Cycles
2005-01-01 Dosi, G; Fagiolo, Giorgio; Roventini, A.
Coordination, Local Interactions and Endogenous Neighborhood Formation
2001-01-01 Fagiolo, Giorgio
Do Liquidity Constraints Matter in Explaining Firm Size and Growth? Some Preliminary Evidence on the Italian Manufacturing Industry
2004-01-01 Fagiolo, Giorgio; Luzzi, A.
Endogenous Growth in Open-Ended Economies with Locally Interacting Agents
2000-01-01 Fagiolo, Giorgio
Endogenous Networks in Random Population Games
2003-01-01 Fagiolo, Giorgio; Marengo, L.; Valente, M.
Engel Curves Specification in an Artificial Model of Consumption Dynamics with Socially Evolving Preferences
2001-01-01 Fagiolo, Giorgio
Exploitation, Exploration and Innovation in a Model of Endogenous Growth with Locally Interacting Agents
2002-01-01 Fagiolo, Giorgio; Dosi, G.
Exploring the unknown. On entrepreneurship, coordination and innovation-driven growth
1997-01-01 Dosig, ; Fagiolo, Giorgio
Learning in Evolutionary Environments
1996-01-01 Dosi, G.; Marengo, L.; Fagiolo, Giorgio
Mapping Sectoral Patterns of Technological Accumulation into the Geography of Corporate Locations. A Simple Model and Some Promising Evidence
2002-01-01 Bottazzi, G.; Dosi, G.; Fagiolo, Giorgio
Minority Games, Local Interactions, and Endogenous Networks
2004-01-01 Fagiolo, Giorgio; Valente, M.
Modelli di Interazione Spaziale in Economie Dinamiche Decentralizzate: una Rassegna
1996-01-01 Fagiolo, Giorgio
Sectoral and Geographical Specificities in the Spatial Structure of Economic Activities
2004-01-01 Bottazzi, G.; Dosi, G.; Fagiolo, Giorgio; Secchi, A.
Towards an Evolutionary Interpretation of Aggregate Labor Market Regularities
2003-01-01 Fagiolo, Giorgio; Dosi, G.; Gabriele, R.
Weird Ties? : Growth, Cycles and Firms Dynamics in an Agent-Based Model with Financial Market Imperfections
2005-01-01 Napoletano, M.; Delli Gatti, D.; Fagiolo, Giorgio; Gallegati, M.