A base model for multifactor specifications of the term structure
1999-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Esposito, M.
Algoritmi per la valutazione e la gestione ottimale dei crediti anomali
2001-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Gamba, Andrea; Rossi, Francesco
Algoritmi per la valutazione e la gestione ottimale dei crediti anomali
2003-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Gamba, Andrea; Rossi, Francesco
Clinical outcomes in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma receiving everolimus or temsirolimus after sunitinib
2014-01-01 Iacovelli, R.; Cartenì, G.; Milella, M.; Berardi, R.; Di Lorenzo, G.; Verzoni, E.; Rizzo, M.; Santoni, M.; Procopio, G.
Cyclical consumption growth and the term spread
2003-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Malachini, L.; Roveda, Alberto
Default probabilities in emerging market bonds
2005-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Trova, Michele
Does the term structure forecast consumption growth?
2002-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Torous, W.
Estimating inflation risk premia
2008-01-01 Berardi, Andrea
Estimating the Cox, Ingersoll and Ross model of the term structure: a multivariate approach
1995-01-01 Berardi, Andrea
Habit formation and business cycle
2008-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Plazzi, Alberto
Habit formation and business cycle
2008-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Plazzi, J.
Habit formation and business cycle
2007-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Plazzi, J.
Inflation Risk Premia, Yield Volatility and Macro Factors
2013-01-01 Berardi, Andrea
Interest rate volatility and the term structure
2008-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Brown, R.; Schaefer, S.
Interest rate volatility and the term structure
2007-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Brown, R.; Schaefer, S.
L'approccio di equilibrio generale della struttura a termine dei tassi di interesse: una sintesi
1994-01-01 Berardi, Andrea
L'identificazione dei fattori della struttura a termine: un confronto internazionale
1997-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Boldrin, M.
Managing credit and market risk: new techniques for new sources of risk (editors)
2003-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Rossi, Francesco
Managing credit and market risk: new techniques for new sources of risk. Introduction
2001-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Rossi, Francesco
Managing credit and market risk: new techniques for new sources of risk: introduction
2002-01-01 Berardi, Andrea; Rossi, Francesco